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Mon Préféré
Pu'erh Lao Cha Tou Mûr Année 1998

Pu'erh Lao Cha Tou Mûr Année 1998

En stock: 66
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)
Le " Lao Cha Tou " est un pu'erh cuit (shou) qui signifie " Tête de Thé Vieilli " en chinois. C'est une variété très célèbre de pu'erh, également connue sous le nom de " Morceaux de Dragon ", ou " roches de pu'erh ". Il offre une agréable amertume, un goût prononcé de fruits secs et une saveur sucrée et douce avec des notes de chocolat et un arrière-goût qui perdure longtemps en bouche. Le Pu'erh Lao Cha Tou Mûr Année 1998 produit une infusion de thé épaisse et dense, et nous sommes fiers de vous proposer ce merveilleux pu'erh.
Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
1.5 - 3 min
Thé Pu'erh
John C
Octobre 2021
[EN] Surprised this tea tasted so good. First time buyer as my usual tea was temporarily out of stock. Has a bright but mellow taste for me. I hope I can get multiple infusions that taste the same. We shall see.
Andrea Bush
Juin 2021
[EN] I have bought this one over and over. I fear someday it be gone ! Amazingly smooth, rich and earthy. Dark and mysterious gorgeous color. Cant over brew this one. Make it a think and strong as you like. Not a hint of bitterness or astringency. Just a rich and full bodied cup in the morning. Makes great iced tea too.
Andrea Bush
Mai 2019
[EN] This is one of the finest ive had. Really smooth, rich and deep. Gorgeous Chestnut Brown color. Bag smells like raisins and fruit. Not at all bitter but creamy and thick mouth feel. My overall favorite of my 100s of teas on my shelf. ! Will be buying many more. You can make many cups from a small amount. Its so good I just kept drinking it till I almost got sick from so much tea ! I think it really is well aged and ripe. NO tastes of dirt yet woodsy and earthy. Heaven in a cup is what this stuff is. Pure Zen.
Robert Shippy
Novembre 2024
[EN] With all respect to other people's opinions, many of the criticisms are part of the special nature of lao cha tou. The fact that these little nuggets take time to open means they're very forgiving on brew time and if you are brewing gong fu style, they will give 15-20 brews easily. Traditional pan on stove brewing with topping off with water all day long works as well (with larger quantities of tea). This particular batch is mild and pleasant, not fishy or too barnyard in flavor. While I've had some more nuanced and complex versions, this well aged version is very approachable, produces many infusions of medium thick, relaxing and digestive body sensation, and is a terrific value.
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