This Cream Earl Grey Moonlight tea is a decaf version of our premium blend of top-quality ingredients. It is directly sourced from traditional tea growers and provides a heady and aromatic brew that is sure to put a smile on your face. High-grown estate black tea from Sri Lanka provides the perfect base and body for a well-balanced and perfectly complementary blend of natural flavors and aromas. Pure oil of bergamot enhances the infusion of the tea and is swirled and lifted seamlessly by the addition of light and delicate cornflowers and natural flavors. Providing a distinctive citrusy note with just a hint of French vanilla on the finish, our decaf Cream Earl Grey Moonlight offers a rich and robust Earl Grey experience, lightened and lifted by mellow vanilla cream and floral notes. Simply delicious! Our Cream Earl Grey Moonlight was decaffeinated with the Canadian CO2 chemical-free process. This process was developed by Canadian scientists along with overseas tea growers for a higher standard of decaf tea. This process involves soaking the pure tea in water before the leaves are gently flushed with CO2. The CO2 binds to the caffeine molecules, and it is removed while retaining the integrity of the tea’s flavor and health benefits. |