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My Favorite
Cream Earl Grey Pu-erh

Cream Earl Grey Pu-erh

In stock: 69
Caffeine Level (mg/1g)

Cream Earl Grey Pu’erh is a fine Earl Grey blend featuring a base of heady ripe pu’erh tea. Bergamot oil gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive citrussy taste and we have added a lovely creamy French vanilla flavor to enhance and complement the luxury tea blend.

Earl Grey Tea is prized worldwide for its pleasant flavor that is traditional, balanced, delicate, and refreshing. Bergamot oil has natural aromatherapy properties and is known to help ease stress, acting as a mild anti-depressant. Our Cream Earl Grey Pu’erh offers a rich and robust Earl Grey experience, lightened and lifted by bergamot’s citrus zing, mellow cream, heady vanilla, and ripe pu’erh notes.

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1 TSP or 1 BAG
2 - 3 min
Pu'erh, cornflowers, natural flavor
Evguenia Reay
June 2023
I usually favor pure unflavored teas, but this blend is definitely a nice change of pace. Balanced gentle combination of bergamot and cream that nicely go over the "funkiness" of ripe pu-erh. Overall, a really nice flavor that taste heavenly just as is, no sugar or milk required. It is definitely going into my Tealyra "favorites" collection for future refills.
Huma Arshad
February 2023
Absolutely heaven!! I didn't think I will be writing a review until I have tried all the teas from my recent order, but a sip of this tea made me cancel my plan and I just sat down to review this tea. I am a person who loves strong aromas in food but the feel should be organic, so a person like me will enjoy it. Upon opening the pack the aroma that strike my olfactory senses was pleasant but a bit too strong as floral notes were a tab bit stronger than Vanilla and cream. Upon steeping, the notes that came out were more vanilla and mellow cream, while bergamot was noticeable but not as strong as it was in dry tea leaves. The first sip of the tea felt like I was in vanilla marshmallow heaven. Would I buy it again? Definitely!

I think I can get another cup from the already steeped leaves, because it still was pretty aromatic. I was surprised how much flavor there was in just a teaspoon of leaves for 200 mL cup.