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My Favorite
Supreme Matcha yame

Yame Matcha Supreme

In stock: 6

Yame Matcha Supreme is an incredibly complex, rich and nutty matcha powder from the Fukuoka prefecture in Japan.

Yame Matcha Supreme is made by a tea master using the first flush leaves of 5 different varieties of Japanese tea bushes- they are the Okumidori, Saemidori, Tsuyuhikari, Okuyutaka, and Yabukita bushes for the most balanced and complex flavor profile. Yame Matcha is made with the traditional Japanese method, in which once these leaves are picked, they are then steamed, dried, and blended before being ground into fine powder in a traditional “Usu” or stone mill. The flavor of this matcha is buttery and nutty like sesame, sweet and incredibly complex.

Yame Matcha Supreme is an exclusive and vibrant matcha powder that whisks into a lovely smooth cup of matcha with a smooth creaminess, and nutty body and has a complex richness in flavor. This is an excellent choice for matcha enthusiasts who are looking for luxury quality matcha. This is best prepared as usucha (thin matcha).

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
0.5 TSP or 1 BAG
2.4- / 70-90ml
0 min
Japanese Matcha powder
Huma Arshad
September 2023
It is very distinct to the type of Matcha I am used to. But I would say, it has very smooth texture when prepared well. This matcha has a nutty flavor but not unpleasant nutty like bitter almonds. I tried making matcha Latte with this and that didn't go well; I will keep enjoying it on it's own.
Tiantian Zou
April 2023
Best tasting matcha for my liking. It has the unique sesame nutty flavour that's so unique. Also smooth, no bitter taste. Love it.