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My Favorite
china oolong tea

Tie Guan Yin, Iron Goddess of Mercy

In stock: 432
Caffeine Level (mg/1g)

One of the most famous Chinese oolong teas is Tie Guan Yin (or TGY).  Tea connoisseurs may have heard of this same tea by the names of Ti Kuan Yin, Iron Buddha, or Iron Goddess of Mercy. Regardless of what you call it, its distinctive flavor and light floral fragrance are what make this oolong tea so famous. Our Tie Guan Yin Iron Goddess of Mercy has a light golden-amber infusion with a smooth body and sweet finish. It is beautifully floral and fragrant- truly a tea masterpiece.

Besides the intoxicating flavor of course, Tie Guan Yin is also popular because of its numerous healing properties.  Some of the benefits of this tea include anti-aging, anti-cancer, the treatment and prevention of diabetes, and an aid in weight loss. When you combine a great tasting tea classic, pleasant fragrance and the health benefits, you can see why this tea is so sought after!

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1-1.5 TSP or 1 BAG
2 - 3 min
Oolong tea
Sascha Uncia
February 2025
Good Oolong. I prefer some of tealyras other oolongs* but this one is just a good general purpose Oolong. I don't have a lot else to say about it, it's a good quality tea and doesn't have any unique characteristics that stand out to me, neither good nor bad.

Good Oolong, try some.

* some other favs to try are ginseng oolong, jade oolong (for a green tea oolong hybrid) and narcissus jasmine oolong. white peach is also quite popular with friends and family.
Cindy Alexander
October 2024
I purchased this tea as one of several to try in my 1st order. It is a very good quality oolong that holds up to multiple infusions. Each infusion changes a bit in taste, but all have been delicious. I will be placing another order soon and this will definitely be included.
Giovanna Mason
January 2022
There were some reviews recently about the Oolong smelling and tasting bad. Currently it tastes great! I fell in love with this tea like 15 years ago and I still love a good brew. Tradition you should pour a little hot water over leaves to “rise” then make your batch. I have used mine for 3 pours tasting amazing in all the last pour not as fragrant. Very calming tea to me. Remember everyone has different taste buds so just try it out. Happy sipping.
January 2019
Amazing! This tea has a lovely sweet, pleasant aroma and taste. I love it. A little
goes a long way as the tea leaves are large. It is like a beautiful sunny day!
See all 21 reviews