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My Favorite

Traditional Lapsang Souchong

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The smoky, deep and distinctive Lapsang Souchong originated in China accidentally many centuries ago! Tea was carried by horse in from Yunnan to Tibet and continental Europe, acquiring its signature smoky aroma along the way thanks to exposure to the smoke from the fires burnt for warmth during the cold nights! Our Traditional Lapsang Souchong Superior is a deeply aromatic leaf, similar to a smoky campfire, yet infuses a cup with a distinctive smoothness, topped off by hints of signature smoked pine.

To create the refined smokiness, freshly plucked leaves are withered over an open fire to infuse naturally, before being pan-fired to slow down the oxidation process and then individually hand rolled. After rolling, the leaves are pressed and stored in wooden barrels, covered with cloths and allowed to complete their oxidation.

Our Traditional Lapsang Souchong Superior smoked tea contains only the highest grade loose leaf black tea, and works well as an accompaniment to savory dishes, as well as being equally delicious on its own. If you only keep one Lapsang Souchong in your tea collection, this superior grade offering would be the perfect pick!

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1 TSP or 1 BAG
2 - 3 min
Black tea
Jeff Oman
October 2018
Perfect. Many Lapsang Souchongs have been scented with pine oil and such to make them smoky. This is just right. A very good base tea smoked with pine, but don't let that deter you. A perfect evening or even desert tea. Thick and rich umami. I'd love it with cheesecake Just right and a good price as well.
Tanya Wiles-Bell
July 2018
The first time I smelled this tea I thought; “Why would anyone want a tea that smells like wet campfire?!” Then I tasted it and fell in love. This has become my go to favourite tea! The flavor is full and smoky and transports me to my happy place.
Paul Quilichini
September 2016
I had never had a lapsang souchong until this one. I opened the package and was immediately blasted with the smokey aroma, which was a bit disconcerting. I steeped a pot large enough for two, but it ended up being for one, since my girlfriend had one sip and rejected it completely.

My taste buds didn't know what was going on at first, but after half a cup I was entranced. The aroma is like a now-dead fire of pine boughs. The flavour is like a campfire in my cup. It brings back memories even though I have never had it before.

Easily the most interesting tea I've ever had.

I'm ordering the other two lapsang souchongs from this site today, because I think I'm addicted.
Alexandru Popa
February 2023
No smokiness at all. Just some random black tea. I wonder if it was a mistake or this is what their lapsang souchong tastes like
See all 5 reviews