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My Favorite
Pineapple Freeze Dried

Pineapple Freeze Dried

Out of stock
Hong Kong
Out of stock
Hong Kong
Nutrition facts
Serving Size ml
Amount per serving
360 kcal
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Pineapple is known as the “King of Fruit”, and no wonder, as it is totally tropical, sweet and delicious! Our freeze-dried pineapple is like natures candy, delightfully sweet and all-natural; perfect for snacking and in your favorite recipes.

Pineapple is high in many vitamins and minerals but is most prized as an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for synthesizing collagen; which is key for the maintenance of healthy skin and organs, for tissue support, blood vessel health and bone health. Vitamin C is also known to help combat colds and the flu, as it naturally boosts the immune system.

A freeze-dried pineapple is a healthy option for anytime. It’s a great snack for on the go, for work or travel and at home use. Children adore snacking on healthy whole fruit because of the fresh taste and fun crunch!

Our freeze-dried pineapple has undergone a natural freeze-drying process to dry completely, but unlike conventional dried fruit, its free of added sugar and they deliver a tasty crunch! Freeze-dried fruit contains nearly all the nutrients present in the original production; as opposed to heat dehydrated, where much of the healthy properties are lost during the high-temperature exposure.

Our freeze-dried Pineapple is 100% all natural. It is crunchy, fresh, incredibly flavorful, raw, vegetarian and vegan-friendly and non-GMO!

Pure Pineapple