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My Favorite
Ginger Freeze Dried

Ginger Freeze Dried

In stock: 683
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Nutrition facts
Serving Size ml
Amount per serving
365 kcal
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Ginger is one of the most popular spices in the world, used to flavor foods, favorite beverages, and as a healing tonic. It is beloved for being feisty and bold in flavor, while delivering soothing and healing benefits.

Gingers’ health benefits come from its abundant natural gingerols- an oily resin that acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.  

Freeze-dried ginger is a healthy way to enjoy the amazing benefits of whole ginger root! It’s a bold and spicy snack for on the go, for work or travel and at home use. Freeze-dried ginger is also amazing in your favorite recipes, it works wonderfully in your favorite baked goods- such as muffins, breads, and cakes. Try throwing a piece into your morning smoothie or green drink- it is delicious.

Our freeze-dried ginger has undergone a natural freeze-drying process to dry completely, but unlike conventional dried ginger, its free of added sugar and they deliver a tasty crunch! Freeze drying keeps all the nutrients in tact; as opposed to heat dehydrated, where much of the healthy properties are lost during the high temperature exposure.

Our Freeze-Dried Ginger is 100% all natural. It is light, airy and crunchy. Its flavor is spicy, bold and incredibly flavorful. It is raw, vegetarian and vegan-friendly and non-GMO!

Pure Ginger Slices