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Hawaiian Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey Hawaiano

En stock: 395
Estados Unidos
América del Norte
Nivel de cafeína (mg/1g)

¡Aloha! Deje entrar un poco de paraíso en su día a día con nuestro Hawaiian Earl Grey: una versión tropical del clásico English Breakfast. Hemos añadido piña dulce, coco cremoso y un rayo de sol a nuestro Earl Grey premium para ofrecer algo completamente único que embellecerá su día. La cremosidad de las ralladuras de coco se nota mucho en este té y se combina de maravilla con el aceite de bergamota.

La tabla de surf y el sostén de coco no son necesarios, pero ¿quiénes somos para juzgar? ¡Se libre!

Ingredientes destacados
Aceite de bergamota
Cómo preparar
una taza de té perfecta
1 cucharada o 1 bolsa
3 - 4 min
Té negro, coco rallado (coco, metabisulfito sódico (conserva la blancura), azúcar en polvo (azúcar, almidón de maíz), agua, propilenglicol (conserva la frescura), sal, gel de celulosa), trocitos de piña (caña de azúcar, ácido cítrico (máx. 1%)), cártamo, aroma, aceite de bergamota
Mayo 2019
[EN] This is now my favorite Earl Grey tea after trying several of Tealyra’s flavors. Love the Earl Grey moonlight too but I automatically reach for this one each morning. The fruits tone down the “robustness” of the Earl Grey to my liking.
Septiembre 2017
[EN] This is really good. I like Earl Grey tea, so wanted to try this one for a twist on it. It is a marvelous, fruity twist. It is the comforting flavor of Earl Grey but the pineapple and coconut give it a fun perk.
Septiembre 2014
[EN] You can really smell and taste the coconut in this one. It overpowers the bergamot and pineapple a bit too much though. I'm an avid earl grey drinker and didn't expect much from this tea, but it's a very refreshing twist on a classic. It will not replace the classic earl grey as my daily drink, but I will keep some at all times when I'm itching for a change.
Sascha Uncia
Enero 2024
[EN] Not bad at all. I think it tastes more like a black tea with coconut than a typical Earl Grey.

Side by side this brews darker than some of the other Earl Greys I got with my last order. Id say the biggest difference is the absence of the cornflower present in most other blends. If you like your tea dark and a little bitter with fruity/citrusy notes then you may enjoy this one a lot.
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